After watching Transcendence


I believe the technology shown in the movie is necessary in out future as long as the technology is controlled by right people. As we saw through the film, Will, himself, has super power. He can grow trees, make people healthy, change weather, and even control other people. If this power was controlled by wrong person, he or she would used it to rule over the world. However, Will used the power to purify water, heal people etc. We need this power in the future but only when it’s under right people’s hand.

I also believe uploaded-Will is the same as real human-version of Will. He used his power to save the world. He purified water and air, and he also tried to protect his territory against violent terrorists. The movie described the terrorists that as if they are saving the world from Will’s cyber attack. However, we should not forget that the terrorists killed the innocent scientists and even tried to kill civilians. They should not be expressed as heroes. I believe Will was doing the right things.

Impression on “The Capitalist who loves North Korea”.

북한 국기 The video linked in email was about James Kim, who established university in North Korea. James Kim continuously spread his passion on education in China and North Korea. He is currently operating two universities. It has been almost a century since Korea is separated into two different countries. South Korea achieved advance development while North Korea showed slow rate of development. Education in North Korea is also much inferior to South Korea’s educational system and quality. James Kim built university in order to feed North Korea. I believe he is contributing to our future unification. I believe South and North Korea can peacefully unify in the future. To achieve this goal, South Korean administrations were continuously making North-friendly policies, such as Sunshine policy. But Sunshine policy was mainly about economic filed. James Kim had expanded the view into educational field as well as financial filed. I believe this achievement can support our relationship with North Korea.

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