Give and take, and the world


Everything is about give and take. From family, friends, school, work, the world, environment and the people in it, we all need to give and take. It could be favors, or just nice gestures, work or play, borrowing or loaning, it doesn’t matter what it is, all that matters is that, it is.

If there were no give and no take then everyone would sit lazy and selfish only caring about themselves and nothing would get done. Not one person wants to do everything, but someone has to do something. There are many people who take many parts that make this world a whole. You cannot have one without the other because with missing pieces the picture falls apart, the world falls apart. For example there are administrators and secretaries, to help the nurses, and nurses to help the doctors, and doctors to help the sick people, and teachers to teach skills and students to learn them, the system can go on and on. Like people who produce and the people who pick it, and the people who ship it and truck it to a store, and then the people buy it as merchandise and eat it. You have to have all the steps or the whole system falls apart.

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