Entry #6- Judism


Unlike other ancient Near Eastern gods, the Hebrew God is portrayed as unitary and solitary; consequently, the Hebrew God’s principal relationships are not with other gods, but with the world, and more specifically, with the people he created. Judaism thus begins with ethical monotheism: the belief that God is one and is concerned with the actions of humankind. According to the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), God promised Abraham to make of his offspring a great nation. Many generations later, he commanded the nation of Israel to love and worship only one God; that is, the Jewish nation is to reciprocate God’s concern for the world. He also commanded the Jewish people to love one another; that is, Jews are to imitate God’s love for people. These commandments are but two of a large corpus of commandments and laws that constitute this covenant, which is the substance of Judaism.

Thus, although there is an esoteric tradition in Judaism (Kabbalah), Rabbinic scholar Max Kadushin has characterized normative Judaism as “normal mysticism”, because it involves everyday personal experiences of God through ways or modes that are common to all Jews. This is played out through the observance of the Halakha and given verbal expression in the Birkat Ha-Mizvot, the short blessings that are spoken every time a positive commandment is to be fulfilled.

  • information from wikipedia

Panel for Buddhism- Karma

Prayer wheel, a cylinder of metal decorated with Buddhist mantras, designed to turn freely on its vertical axis

The main issue about Buddhism was about Karma. So I searched about Karma.


Karma is a concept encountered in several Eastern religions, although having different meanings.

Teachings about karma explain that our past actions affect us, either positively or negatively, and that our present actions will affect us in the future.

Buddhism uses an agricultural metaphor to explain how sowing good or bad deeds will result in good or bad fruit (phala; or vipāka, meaning ‘ripening’).


Entry 5a- Research Proposal

  1. Buddhism
  2. What is life?
  3. What are we?
  4. What should we be?
  5. Buddhism and teenagers
  6. Our memory
  7. Our goal for the future
  8. School life
  9. Our class
  10. Mr.Johnson

I am going to combine the elements above and draw a conclusion about ‘To where we should head’.


  1. Chodron, Thubten. Buddhism for Beginners. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 2001. Print.
  2. Carrithers, Michael. The Buddha. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1983. Print.
  3. Burnett, David. The Spirit of Buddhism. Crowborough, East Sussex: Monarch, 1996. Print.

Peer check

Jian Park

  1. What is Buddhism?
  2. Why are they important?
  3. Our goal
  4. Lessons from diverse religions
  5. Relations.

Entry #4 – Confucianism


Confucianism is popular for its ideology about education. Confucianism emphasized two types of education, however, both types share similar method on learning new knowledge. One of the types is learning from oneself. Confucianism claimed that one should learn through experience. The other way is to learn from observation. It claimed that one should learn and complement one’s weaknesses through observing others’ good behavior. I believe these types of education is partly needed in Korean society. Korean students are obsessed with memorizing bunch of knowledge which is known as ‘cramming education’. Korean should also dominantly try to understand the nature rather than just memorizing theories without knowing its concept.

Poem that reflects our status

제목 없음

Dead end

Jung Seung Ho

People who gave up at the dead end

never realize

that it was not a dead end

This poem gives us courage. Since we faces many difficulties such as college entrance, tests, assignments etc. we are likely to give up due to exhaustion. However, in life, there is no dead end. Giant barrier that seems like a dead end of the life may turn into a chance that can bring one up to higher level. It is important for us, teenagers, to believe in ourselves.

Entry #3 – Buddhism


Religions and philosophers have different opinions bout the human nature. Some might believe they are innately bad or good while others claims humans are influenced by its environment or education.

Buddhism is about love

Buddhism is about respect

Buddhism is about understanding others

Buddhism is about self-discipline

Buddhism is about keeping oneself down

Buddhism is about peace

Buddhism is about finding oneself

These are the elements that the ideologies of Buddhism. It lead people to fin who they are and what they are by disciplining themselves and respecting others. i believe our class requires the study about this religion before we graduate. It is essential and important for us to set a goal and prepare for the wild society before we become legal adults.

Entry # 1 & 2 – Comments, Suggestions, and Questions from ‘The World’s Religions’


Hinduism is  great religion about ‘life’. It is a ultimate mixture of Brahmanism and folk religions. Its bible is veda and serves each individuals and various gods. Since it is a religion about finding ‘who and what really the individual is’, it is related to our discussion about finding the meaning of ‘fulfillment’.

I believe it is crucial for our class to compare various different religions to Hinduism because there would be a different lessons that we should follow.  Our class was highly influenced by nunas until now, but it is important for ourselves to find our own way to be sincere without nunas.